P-05-841 Include the alternative 3rd Menai Crossing proposal 'Pont Bendigeidfran' in the formal assessment process

This petition was submitted by Benji Poulton, having collected 278 signatures.

Text of Petition

We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to formally consider the alternative proposal for the 3rd Menai Crossing known as 'Pont Bendigeidfran' (as described in the video found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty2q-ctJZKM). 


This proposal provides increased benefits in terms of whole life cost, its ability to enhance the spectacular landscape, traffic benefits (both traffic flows and network resilience), environmental mitigation, promoting tourism, promoting Welsh culture, and is a better fit in terms of current legislation, for example the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act. This proposal appears to be achievable from an engineering perspective, and will be a more fitting addition to the two world famous bridges already present at this location.


We therefore call for this alternative proposal to be fully assessed alongside the original options presented in the recent Welsh Government 3rd Menai Crossing Public Consultation.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Arfon

·         North Wales